Privacy Policy
“Personal Information”, as used in this Privacy Policy is information about an identifiable individual, but does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of such individual. In some cases, MDA may set policies about releasing to the public information that is not considered Personal Information, in which case MDA, its employees and volunteers will be bound by such policies.
- Accountability
MDA is responsible for all Personal Information under its control.
MDA is responsible for Personal Information in its possession or custody, including information that has been transferred to a third party for processing. It will use contractual or other means to provide a comparable level of protection for information being processed by a third party.
- Identifying Purpose
MDA will identify and document the purposes for which it collects, uses or discloses Personal Information at or before the time of collection.
MDA collects, uses and discloses Personal Information concerning its members and all licensed dentists and registered dental assistants Manitoba for the following purposes:
- Providing products, services and information of interest to its member dentists and dental assistants and in Manitoba;
- Providing the Manitoba Dental Association Bulletin and other information or media containing information of interest to all member dentists and dental assistants in Manitoba;
- Exchanging information with dental-related organizations and institutions in order to facilitate the provision of products, services and information of interest to dentists, dental assistants and dental-related organizations and institutions in Manitoba, Canada and internationally.
MDA will make a reasonable effort to specify the identified purposes, orally or in writing, to the individual from whom the Personal Information is collected either at the time of collection or after collection but before use. MDA will state the identified purposes in such manner that an individual can reasonably understand how the information will be used or disclosed.
MDA will identify any other purposes which may arise for the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information at or before the time the Personal Information is collected.
If a new purpose arises in respect of Personal Information already collected, MDA will identify the new purpose prior to the use or disclosure of the Personal Information.
MDA collects and uses Personal Information concerning its employees to provide them with information which is relevant to their work or terms of employment or other employment related activities. MDA does not disclose Personal Information of employees for non-employment related activities.
- Consent
Personal Information will only be collected, used, or disclosed with the knowledge and consent of the individual, except in emergencies and on other occasions permitted or required by law.
The way in which MDA seeks consent, including whether it is express or implied, may vary depending upon the sensitivity of the information and the reasonable expectations of the individual. An individual can withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. MDA will inform individuals of any implications of withdrawing consent.
Typically, MDA will seek consent for the use or disclosure of information at the time of collection. In certain circumstances, such as a proposed use of information for new purposes not previously identified, consent may be sought after the information has been collected but before use.
MDA will not require an individual, as a condition of the supply of its services, to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information beyond that required to fulfill legitimate purposes.
In certain circumstances, as permitted or required by law, MDA may collect, use or disclose Personal Information without the knowledge or consent of the individual. These circumstances include Personal Information:
- which is subject to solicitor-client privilege;
- which is publicly available;
- where collection or use is clearly in the interests of the individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way;
- which is required to investigate a breach of an agreement, public complaint or a contravention of a law;
- required to act in an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual; or
- for debt collection; or to comply with a subpoena, warrant or court order.
- Limiting Collection
MDA will limit the amount and type of Personal Information collected to that which is necessary for identified purposes and will only collect Personal Information by fair and lawful means.
- Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention
Personal Information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal Information will be retained only as long as necessary to fulfil the identified purposes.
Personal Information which has been used to make a decision about an individual will be retained long enough to allow the individual access to the information after the decision has been made and, in the event of an access request or a challenge, long enough to exhaust any recourse an individual may have under the law. Where Personal Information is no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes, it will be destroyed, erased, or made anonymous.
- Accuracy
MDA will use its best efforts to ensure that Personal Information is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
MDA will use its best efforts to ensure that Personal Information that is used on an ongoing basis, including information that is disclosed to others, and information that is used to make a decision about an individual is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
- Security
MDA will protect Personal Information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
MDA will protect Personal Information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification regardless of the format in which the information is held. MDA will make its employees aware of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of Personal Information, and will exercise care in the disposal or destruction of Personal Information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information.
Depending on the format of the Personal Information, security measures may include physical precautions such as locking file cabinets and restricting access to cabinets, offices and files, organizational measures such as security clearances and limiting access on a need-to-know basis and technological measures including passwords and encryption.
- Openness
MDA will make specific information about its policies and practices regarding the management of Personal Information readily available, except to the extent that it is confidential commercial information.
Specifically, MDA will publicize information about:
- how to obtain details of the Personal Information held on file for identified individuals;
- the type of Personal Information held by MDA, including a general account of its use;
- general information concerning its Privacy Policy and related policies and procedures;
- what Personal Information is made available to related companies; and
- how to make requests or complaints to the MDA about its privacy policy.
- Individual Access
Upon receipt of a written request, MDA will inform an individual of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her Personal Information and will give the individual access to that Personal Information, which may be challenged and corrected, depending on the circumstances.
MDA will respond to all individual written requests within a reasonable time, usually about ten (15) business days, depending upon the complexity of the request and the information, and will assist any individual who informs MDA that he or she needs assistance in preparing a request. MDA may require an individual to provide additional information which will assist it in providing an account of the existence, use, and disclosure of Personal Information.
MDA will usually provide the requested information without charge. However, MDA reserves the right to impose a charge, depending on the extent of the request and retrieval of information required. MDA will inform the individual of the approximate amount of any charge to respond to the request and will not retrieve the information until payment is made. Requested information will be provided in a form that is generally understandable. Where possible, MDA will indicate the source of the information.
If an individual successfully demonstrates the inaccuracy or incompleteness of Personal Information, MDA will amend the information as required. If a challenge is not resolved to the satisfaction of the individual, MDA will record the substance of the unresolved challenge. MDA will advise third parties having access to the information of any amendments, or unresolved challenges, as the case may be.
In certain situations, MDA may refuse a request or restrict access to all the Personal Information it holds about an individual. Exceptions to the access requirement will be limited and specific, as permitted or required by law. The reasons for denying or restricting access will be provided to the individual upon request, where permitted by law, and may include:
- information containing references to other individuals;
- confidential commercial information;
- information which by its nature must remain confidential;
- information collected in the course of investigating a breach of an agreement or public complaint;
- information collected in the course of a dispute resolution process;
- information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; or
- any portion of information which for, one or more of these reasons may not be readily severable from the information as a whole.
- Challenging Compliance
Any individual may address a written challenge concerning MDA’s compliance with its Privacy Policy to the MDA’s CEO at:
Manitoba Dental Association
Unit 202 -1735 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N OK4
Attention: Chief Executive Officer
Website Privacy Policy
This statement describes how we collect information from you or about you, why we collect this information, how we will use or disclose this information and how you can update or delete personally identifiable information collected about you from our records.
IP Addresses
There are several types of information we collect. For all visitors to the website, we collect and log your IP address. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the internet. IP addresses allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate with one another. We collect IP address information to properly administer our system and to gather aggregate information on visitors to our site and how our site is being used, including the pages visitors are viewing.
To maintain your anonymity, we do not associate IP addresses with records containing personal information. We will use IP address information, however, to personally identify you when necessary to enforce our legal rights or when required to do so by law enforcement authorities.
We may also place small data files, called “cookies,” in the browser file of your computer’s hard drive. These cookies automatically identify your browser to our server whenever you interact with the website. Most browsers automatically accept these cookies, but you usually can change your browser setting to prevent the acceptance of cookies. In addition, we usually collect the domain name of the server from which you are visiting. This can provide us with information relating to the sources of our traffic. Collecting this information does not allow us to personally identify you.
Registration Information
We also collect personal information that you choose to share with us in the registration and interactive portions of this website. This information may include personal information, e-mail addresses and your answers to questions. This information is only collected with your permission.
E-mail Communications and Related Services
We may occasionally send you informational e-mails from sponsors or surveys. These e-mails will often include links to MDA’s website to the websites of other organizations/businesses. To enable MDA to tailor our communications to your interests, we may track the web links that you click on. This tracked information will only be used to analyze your interest in speakers, events and Global Dental Exchange, and in keeping with MDA’s main Privacy Policy, will not be shared with any other organizations.
Information for E-commerce Transactions
Some areas of the website may allow you to conduct e-commerce transactions. In connection with these transactions, we securely collect data necessary to complete the transaction and that is furnished by you. This information may be furnished to a third party, under contractual privacy obligations to MDA, in order to facilitate the transaction.
Aggregate Information
We use general traffic, site usage, and length of stay information in reports for MDA Committees, tradeshow companies, and sponsors with which we have a business relationship. This sort of information is shared only on an aggregated basis and does not personally identify you.
Changing or Deleting Information
MDA will be pleased to inform you of the existence, any use, and disclosure of personally identifying information, and provide you with access to that Personal Information, within 30 (thirty) days of a receipt of a written request directed by fax or mail to MDA – Director of Member Services and Public Events. To request a change or delete information that has previously been furnished by you to us, make that request in writing — by fax or by regular mail (not by e-mail) — to the Director – Member Services and Public Events, with the details of your request. Contact information is at the end of this statement.
Other Sites
Our privacy policies apply only to your use of the following websites:; w. These website may contains links to other sites, including sites that may indicate a special relationship with us. While we do not disclose personably identifiable information to those operating these linked sites, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. You should read the privacy policies of each site you visit to determine what information that site may be collecting about you.
Changes to Our Privacy Policies
We may change the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policies at any time by posting revisions on the website. You agree to review the Privacy Policies each time you use the website so that you are aware of any modifications made to these policies. By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use as posted on the website at the time of your access or use, including the Privacy Policies then in effect.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the CDA’s practices, please contact MDA by regular mail, by e-mail or by fax using the contact information listed below.
Manitoba Dental Association
Unit 202 – 1735 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 0K4
Attention: CEO